Great Women of God

Back in the day, it was uncommon for a woman to venture out to be used of God as these were. It was a man's world back then.
But these courageous women each had a true encounter with God and followed his calling to go out and make disciples all over the world.
It was much more difficult for them, but they found God faithful to supply all they had need of, sometimes in remarkable ways.
Fanny Crosby
God has a plan for every life. Fanny Crosby could easily have given up because she was blind, but she asked God to make a way for her, and surely he did.
Today Fanny is remembered everywhere for the wonderful hymns so many sing each Sunday in church, hymns that many believers know by heart.
Gladys Aylward
After listening to this story I just sat there kind of stunned. The story of Gladys Aylward is almost beyond belief, but it is very true. What God accomplished through her is just astounding. Surely she will wear a crown of rejoicing for all eternity.
Oh that God would raise up more saints with a thoroughly dedicated heart to do exploits through him in the furthering of the Gospel.
Maria Woodworth Etter
A very reluctant Maria Etter accepted the call of God, but she was timid and shy and felt totally unable to serve him ...until God gave her a vision. That was so motivating that she put her fears aside and stepped out into the will of God for her life. And then the signs and miracles followed her, wonders that brought revival wherever she went.
If you feel the call of God ...don't make excuses. Just surrender.
"Bad Legs" Elinor Young
When God calls a person, he isn't looking at the reasons why they can't follow. Elinor Young had polio. But when the call from God came to her heart she didn't flinch, she went forward at the altar call, braces and all.
Elinor's story shows that her very disablity was something God actually used to reach the people he sent her to.
We must never refuse to serve God because of this, that, or the other weakness or disability . He knows all about it before calling a person.